Sunday, June 27, 2010

By Jove, I think she's got it!

Big...BIG...HUGE news!  My writer's block has OFFICIALLY been lifted.  In the matter of a few hours, I've gone from having nothing to having a LOT of major components to my series figured out!  If only I didn't need to be at work in the morning, I'd stay up all night and write!  But, world is not perfect.  I did want to share my elation in the moment where my story just *clicked*.  It doesn't feel so tedious to write anymore now that I know where I'm going with it.  That's such a wonderful feeling I almost don't know what to do with it!  Here's hoping that people will leave me alone tomorrow, and I'll be able to get everything down on paper.  I won't be satisfied until I have a well-sketched outline and at least one family tree finished. 

I finally feel like my story is loving me back!

Man Candy Post

Everybody needs a little inspiration!


This is the first man candy post.  Sunday's are officially Man Candy Sundaes!  *Snort*  See what I did there?  Anywho, if you have some Man Candy that you'd like me to post, just email it to me at!

Writing Circles and Contests and Groups...OH MY!

This has truly been an awesome weekend.  I've found all kinds of resources for aspiring authors that I never even knew existed!

Firstly, I've joined MyWritingCircle.  It seems like a great opportunity to get feedback from other people, some of whom might have interests that are totally different from your own.  I've already met one cool person through this!

I've also joing Amy Atwell's Writing Goal In A Month club or GIAM.  I found it through at 'lecturer' at RomanceU.  RomanceU is a GREAT resource.  It's so cool to hear stories of people who went from being 'writers' to 'authors'.  So many of the 'lecturers' (guest bloggers) are willing to give information on how they managed their accomplishments.  This site is HIGHLY recommended.

I've also entered my very first contest.  I've read that contests are the best way to get your foot in the door.  The benefits are two-fold.  1)  You get feedback from fellow writers and judges.  Some of those judges might be seasoned multi-published authors, editors, or even agents!  2)  You get exposure.  Contests are a great way to test the waters.  A lot of times, the grand prize is a meeting with an agent/editor or 2 (or even 3 sometimes!).  The contest I've entered is just a one paragraph pitch...the grand prize?  A three chapter critique by an actual agent!  That rocks pretty hard if you ask me!

My goal for the next month is to complete the prologue and first three chapters of the first book in The Sanguine Chronicles.  Also on the agenda?  Join RWA and the Georgia RWA.  $$$$$ well spent!

Oh, and I've changed the design of the come making it prettier seems to make it that much more fun?!

Thanks for droppin' in!


Friday, June 25, 2010

Hello and Welcome

My name is Kiera Bryant and I'm just like a lot of other aspiring writers out there. I love what I do, but I don't quite know where to begin when it comes to making my dream a reality. Well, I want to get published one day, and I'm starting here! I need a writing circle! I need people who are willing to read my material and give honest, constructive feedback.

I'm also looking for other writers out there who need a community for the same purpose. Now, I know that there are other writing circles and guilds out there, but I'm hoping to generate something a bit more personal. An online community of friends, some we may already know, some we may be meeting for the first time.

Now - about me - I'm a writer of Paranormal Romance. I adore the genre and am very, shall we say 'passionate' about it. I've read a lot of books in this category of romance and always have a voracious appetite for more. That said, I'm kind of persnickety about my PNR. I'm not going o be hooked onto a story or series just because a writer throws a vampire or two into the mix. I love good quality pnr. This is a genre that's becoming more and more crowded everyday, along with the overall umbrella of romance in general. For a long time, writers and readers of romance have been trying to get this literary form the respect that it deserves. I'd like my chance at the podium. Who knows, maybe I'm actually good enough? If you're interested to know more about my day-to-day happenings, feel free to follow me at!

Some of you may be wondering why I've chosen to call this blog circle "Kassiopeia's Words". Well, in Ancient Greek, Kassiopeia literally means "she whose words excel". I'm a nut for the Classics, so there you have it. As time goes on and as (hopefully) I garner some more readers and writers, I'd like to expand Kassiopeia into something more. For now, let's take things one step at a time.

I live in Atlanta, Georgia, but I'm hoping to get to know people from all across the country and all over the world. The only limitation is that I'd like to stick to writers of romance. It doesn't have to be Paranormal, but it's gotta be about love. I'm a sucker for romance, what can I say?